
Here are the projects I'm currently working on:

HomeMatic ChurchTools Plugin (2023 – Present)

This project connects the smart home system HomeMatic to the church organization tool ChurchTools, exposing a virtual remote that toggles if an even in a ChurchTools room started or stopped.

This allows administrators to control their heating and other appliances only when needed, saving energy and time.

It's currently in the early-access phase so @ me if you want to give it a try.

Tech's Weekly (2021 – Present)

A weekly newsletter with the best stories of the internet.

Subscribe today!

Inactive/Abandoned Projects

Sprachnachrichten (2020 – 2023)

A podcast I did with my good friend Jan in German. We talked about tech and productivity, our side projects, our home screens and once a year held a gala to select the best apps, music and more.

If you want to get started, I recommend one of these episodes: